Tag Archives: trace plan

Garage floor plan

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How to design a good garage plan? A priori, we can think that it is the easiest part to conceive. But it is far from being the case.

First, we must predict its surface. It is generally thought to provide a surface slightly larger than his car. Serious mistake!

Most often, we live in a couple. It takes 2 car slots. And if possible two driveways because with a single entrance, the second car is often more difficult to park.

Second problem: your child just had his driving license and of course he wants a car and still live at home for a while. If you have not planned, your child’s car will be every night on the street or on the lawn.

Garage 1

Another thing: you have your garage and the car inside, you are quietly installed in front of your television, and your husband or your wife asks you to look for an object present in the car. It’s raining a lot, and you do not have an access door between the house and the garage. Too bad for you, it will be necessary to wait or go out in the rain.

Garage 2

Last thing: For reasons of exposure of your house to the sun, the garage is often located north of the house, where the humidity is the most common. In this case, plan a small window and open it frequently to avoid musty odors. The ideal is to have two windows to create an air circulation.


School plan

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What does it take to make a good school plan?

Of course, it is not as simple as a house or apartment plan.

When a house plan is made, it is necessary to think of the plan of the rooms, the kitchen, the bathroom, the toilets, the dining room, the living room. But for a school, it’s more complicated. Normally, there are no rooms. But there are:

  • Classrooms
  • Special rooms like the library
  • Digital rooms
  • Toilets that are for several people
  • Self-service

There is usually a schoolyard to allow children to play.

If you use house plan software as an archiplain, you can do it all in one plan. Indeed, the system can make it possible to position all the rooms, the courtyard and the rest in a single plane. This is very handy if you want to make changes such as a room change, or a merger between two rooms, or a building extension.

You can put a lot of tables and chairs in each class. You can also put plants to make it more pleasant.

Plant 1
Plant 2

And even smarter, we can negotiate with the owner of the archiplain school plan publisher (it’s me so …) a contract to open a lot of account on archiplain and make all the plans that we want . Imagine that you want to improve the school. You are proposing a workshop for an entire class of school, maybe 20 or 30 students, whose objective will be to propose the most interesting school plan. Exciting, no?


How to draw an open floor plan with Google

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The real question is: how do I know who is interested in the house floor plan in the United States?
By doing research on Google trends, and stating the words floor plan, we see that the 5 cities that are most interested in these keywords are:

  • Austin
  • Boston
  • New York
  • Washington
  • Jacksonville
Open floor plan 1

Interestingly, the most popular 5 related queries are:

  1. House floor plan
  2. Floor plan
  3. Open floor plan
  4. Bedroom plan
  5. Floor plan design
Open floor plan 2

Related queries 1, 2 and 5 are logical and directly dependent on the related query floor plan. More intriguing, the related query 4 focuses specifically on bedroom. Maybe that means that people are more interested in Bedroom, which is perhaps the most interesting room for them.

Finally, the related query 3 is surprising: open floor plan. Why are people interested in this?

By searching on Google with this expression, we find explanations: it is open spaces. This means that many people are looking to make open space plans. And finally, it makes sense. When you want to buy a big apartment and you want to break walls to make an open space, it is essential to make a plan of the apartment beforehand to avoid doing irremediable things.


How to draw a free garden plan?

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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You know, the archiplain online software is designed to make house or apartment plans.
But what you do not know is that it can be used to make garden plans very easily.
In the tab design / exteriors, you can check “trees”, and you will find:







And other trees.

In the tab design / exteriors, you can check “others”, and you will find:

Square garden 1:

Square garden 2:

Square garden 3:

Feel free to browse the free archiplain house plan editor and you will find plenty to install on your free garden plan.



A house plan for an interior designer

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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Recently, we have mentioned the place of home staging in the deed of sale of a house or an apartment. This can cost a maximum of 5% of the selling price compared to an acceleration of the sale and the possibility of selling at 10 or 20% more. Which leads us naturally to the job of home designer.

This consists of making decorative art. This is the ultimate goal of architecture, which leads to colors, lights, furniture, objects, to reveal the personality of the owner, its culture, and his personal life.
This business has developed lately, made famous by some who have brought up to date the home staging, simplified version of the interior design.

A house plan for an interior designer

This job makes many others work:

  • Engineer
  • Designate
  • Fitters
  • Decorator
  • Colourist

One can suggest to those who want to learn about interior design to learn about the different schools that train in this trade. You can also walk around attics to look for decorative objects (the “Marché aux Puces” of Paris is extraordinary for that). You can also practice furnishing furniture in a house or apartment using the archiplain house plan software. You can also do internships to learn the different trades that work with interior decorators. You can also get up early in the morning to watch the sunrise and all the colors that emerge (I remember a sunrise on snow-capped mountains, the tops ranged from pink to orange!). Finally, ideally, some notions of engineer are not useless.


Make a house staging plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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Here is an activity that is widespread in the United States and much less in Europe: home staging. We can consider this as real estate marketing. The goal is to value a property to sell or rent.

Model 1 done with archiplain

We consider that a sale is made in the first moments of the visit. The first impression is therefore essential. Buyers must be able to imagine themselves in the house that will become their place of life. Several problems can appear:

  • House too old and damaged, except for those who want to renovate but offer a price too low
  • House without furniture and decoration that gives the impression that no one has lived inside
  • House with too much decoration, too personalized

To avoid these three problems, home staging, which appeared in the United States in the 1970s, has become an almost unavoidable practice. First proposed by professionals of the decoration, it is proposed more and more by the real estate agents. Thus, real estate agents can earn a sales commission on the house while saving time on the sale and why not make a profit on home staging benefits.

Model 2 done with archiplain

Let’s talk price: home staging rarely exceeds 5% of the sales price. But that allows two things:

  • Speed up the selling time
  • Increase the selling price, sometimes from 10 to 20%.

What should be done for home staging?:

  • Clean the house or apartment
  • Mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges
  • Repaint the walls in a neutral color, if possible white
  • Remove as much furniture as possible and leave only those who showcase the house
  • Repairing minor damage, such as a broken electrical outlet, a small hole in a wall, a bulb that does not work
  • Thoroughly clean the bathroom and toilets
  • Air the house or apartment before visits to feel fresh and eliminate odors

Then, make a plan of house or apartment on a software like archiplain and offer a free access to your customers who will be able to put their furniture and decorations in this accommodation.


Blueprints, Floor plans, Home plan designs and house plans: buy or rent?

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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The real estate market is huge. First, because everyone wants to own their house or apartment. Because rents in big cities are becoming more expensive. And because you can not decorate your home as you wish. For example, some homeowners prohibit tenants from planting nails in walls. And if the tenant does it, the landlord asks for compensation money.

These are not the only reasons. Borrowing rates are historically very low because inflation is low and the economy is good. Bringing money is interesting because you do not pay much interest.

Then you have to make a profitability calculation. Estimate the total amount of rent for 20 years, and compare it with a loan to buy his property. The calculation is quite complex because it is necessary to estimate:

  • The evolution of the interest rates,
  • The family stability (a divorce, and the calculations are to remake completely …),
  • The evolution of the place in which you live ( construction of a railway line nearby,a road,a shopping center, a school),
  • Pollution,
  • The passage of planes above,
  • The presence of termites.

There is no hard and fast rule about whether to buy or rent a property. We can just give some indications. For example, buying in a big city is often better than renting. But it is sometimes very expensive and even impossible, like:

  • New York
  • San Francisco
  • Paris
  • London

And if the rent is much lower than the repayment amount of a loan, it may be better to pay rent and keep the rest of the money to enjoy life.

Just a piece of information that can help you: if you want to buy a house or an apartment, you know that the price will depend on the surface of the property. And a difference of a few square feet or square meters can vary the price. One solution is to buy a laser range finder, which is not too expensive, and put these measurements in a house plan software as an archiplain. If the real estate agent does not want it, negotiate to take at least the measurements of one or two rooms and say that it is to be able to arrange the furniture.


Find House Plans, or Houseplans, or Home Floor Plans for my renovated barn

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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The other day I walked through the forest with friends, and found a old abandoned barn. The door was open and we explored. The bottom consists of a single room where farm animals, probably cows, came to rest at night and eat fodder. The top still contained hay, very old, and filled with small holes, probably rodents that lived there. We discovered old objects that made it possible for a shepherd to live: an old stove, a fork, an old metal bed frame, and a few nails. The floor was shabby because the roof, made of slate, let in sunlight and probably water in the event of a storm.

The place was sublime, with a very large clearing in the middle of the woods. A creek, a little further away, hinted at a crystalline sound.
And apparently, nobody for many years came to live in this barn.

And I thought to myself: maybe the owner of this barn will want to sell it to me for a small price. And after, I will take the measures of this barn to renovate it. Quietly, at home, I will put these measures in a barn plan that I will do on archiplain type software.
Especially, in this case, I will make a renovation more in line with what should have been this farm at the origin (maybe 80 or 100 years ago):

  • Look for identical slates for the roof, perhaps by asking where are other old barns in ruins.
  • Reinforcement of some structural beams
  • Put stones in the walls where they are missing, taking them around the barn
  • Make windows where there are no more.
  • Take a hose to collect the water from the stream, and bury it so you do not see it in the clearing, which will provide water for the toilet and shower.

And choose in the nearest cities furniture with a mountain decoration.
Last point: invite all my friends to inaugurate this renovated barn!


How to find Blueprint, Floor Plan & Home Plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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This is not always easy because it depends on the goal you have set.

If you are looking for architectural plans that already exist, you can go directly to architectural firms. They have plans of house or building that are already made and that they can sell you. You can obviously ask them to make a house plan based on the information you give them. They can advise you on the best layout of rooms, bedrooms, living room, bathroom. But that will cost you money.

You can also ask real estate agents. In some cases, they own the plans of the houses they sell. You can ask real estate developers: The real estate projects are done by architects and you can ask them the plans of the apartments. Sometimes you can ask to merge two apartments into a larger one, and here too the plan of the building and apartments is useful.

In most cases, real estate agents and real estate developers will give you the plans for free.

But there are much simpler ways to make house plans.
You must type on a search engine the words: “house plan”; or “apartment plan”. You can search with tags like “draw plan” or “compose plan” or “sketch plan”. If, for you, the free software is something important, you add the word “free” before each of these expressions. For example, “free house plan” or “free apartment plan”. Which does not mean that the entire use of the software is free, but at least a good part.

With this method, you will find many links that offer you to go to sites with online software to make house plans.

Then you just have to try. We are not here to tell you that one software is better than another. You have to be realistic, it depends on everyone. A person will prefer a software that makes plans in 3D, another person will prefer 2D which is simpler, another will prefer that there are many colors, another simply black. Our opinion is that you have to try several software and keep the one that suits you best. Of course, we prefer the archiplain software because it has interesting features and because we developed it.

But we fully understand that you prefer to use another software.

What are the specificities of archiplain?

  • Free for most of the software. If you want a lot of plans, we have a not very expensive paying formula that allows you to go further.
  • Utilisation facility. No need for training, you access the software and you draw your plan, that’s all.
  • The precision of the measurements (for example, 0.1 inch or 1 mm).
  • Various colors.
  • Titles and comments added everywhere
  • And many other things you will discover using this software.


Free nursery plan for everyone

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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In some countries, grants are given to people who have plans to build a nursery. The reasons are multiple. First of all, there is a difficulty in having your child look after him when he is very young. Some parents agree to keep their baby a few months at home just after birth. But then there is a lot left between this period and the child’s entry into school. Keeping your child at home can be very expensive. The solution of the nursery is often the best.

We present here some nursery that reinvent the concept of nursery:

With round shapes and spaces of discovery, this project allows children to discover their desire to explore their living space:

Always in the spirit of discovering and climbing, here is a nursery with trees, tree leaves, nets and outdoor spaces:

The Japanese have a lot of imagination and love children. Here is another round nursery project that will delight children:

You can make your free nursery plan using the free archiplain nursery plan software. With your plans, you can ask for help from the town hall.

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Rent parking for your retirement

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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We often think of renting houses or apartments to do business. But we rarely think of renting garages. This is normal because it is often difficult to buy garages without a house or apartment. One way to do this is to rent an entire car park. The area occupied by a parking lot is often not very profitable compared to the occupied area. A building with floors is often the right solution. This is often seen around airports.

We present you a car park which has the advantage of being zero energy. It is so interesting and has the merit of being modern. Although the cost of building such a building is still relatively expensive, profitability can be very interesting:

We can also transform the often ugly facades of car parks into a design decoration:

Finally, what about this beautiful facade that transforms a banal parking into an object that everyone notices:

Do you want to have a car park renovation project? Locate the abandoned car parks, find the owner on the land register, contact him, make an offer, and prepare your free parking plan with archiplain to make a calculation of profitability.

More about parking and rental?

Free hotel map for exceptional night

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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Have you ever dreamed of spending a night in one of the most extraordinary hotels that exist? We could make you a very long list of luxurious hotels worldwide. The most inventive minds have created incredible hotels, made of:

  • wood
  • metal
  • ice
  • glass
  • caves
  • old prisons
  • windmills
  • industrial buildings.

Some even imagine doing hotels on the moon! (The price of a hotel night will be a little expensive …). We found an article that lists remarkable hotels. This is necessarily a subjective choice. But that’s the choice of writing.

First of all, a 12-room hotel in Mexico that is only accessible by boat:

Next, a hotel in Brazil that includes a rooftop pool. This allows you to swim while watching the ocean. Swimming without sharks:

In Israel, a former convent and hospital turned into a 120-room hotel. Magnificent ! It feels like being in a church, with the added comfort of:

Finally, in Iceland, a hotel in the middle of the basalt from the bowels of the Earth:

Have you thought of buying a hotel to renovate it? You can use it as a hotel. But you can also transform it into a holiday center or a personal home. In the latter case, you just have to break a few walls. Before doing all this, make a plan of this hotel with the archiplain software. And make all the changes on your computer screen before breaking the walls.

Some other articles about magnificent hotels:

How to design the best interior home plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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So, thanks to 3D printers, we can live in houses with amazing shapes. A few years ago, it was possible to design houses with amazing shapes, but this posed several problems. First, all non-classical forms such as curves, circles, ovals, are possible but are expensive to build because they require a lot of manpower. In addition, they are not compatible with most furniture. With 3D printing, we can build houses with special shapes and it will not be a problem because the furniture will also be built with these 3D prints.
We present here some examples of beautiful buildings with particular forms built with classical methods but which will be more frequent with these new technologies.

First, a beautiful interior design with rounded shapes in an art gallery in South Africa:

Then an insurance company in Australia:

And finally, also in Australia, a house in which we do not know where the walls are, or more exactly we do not know if the house is a wood warehouse or a museum. I pity the person in charge of removing the dust …

Before making your 3D home project, start making your plan with the archiplain software. You will have an idea of the plan of your house in 3D printing.

If you are looking for good interior design websites, you will find a selection here:

The best interior design websites

How to draw a pigeon loft plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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In renovation, we can do wonderful things with buildings that are not originally planned for this. For example, we can renovate old industrial buildings, old water mills or windmills. But we rarely think of pigeon lofts.

It must be said that the classic pigeon lofts are rather small and do not allow to make homes. Here are some examples of pigeon lofts:

But there are particular areas where pigeon lofts can be found in very good condition and large enough to be used as dwellings. This is the case of the Tarn in France, a region located northeast of Toulouse, the capital of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus.

Here are some examples of pigeon lofts that can be found in the Tarn countryside:

Beware: several pigeon lofts are protected by the regulations and can not be modified in place of residence. Inquire at the town hall of the municipality in which these pigeon lofts are located. And of course, if you’ve managed to buy a beautiful pigeon loft, start making your plan with the Archiplain online pigeon loft plan software. Check anyway that you can install a power line and put running water.

Draw a floor plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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First of all, if you want to draw a floor plan, it’s because you have at least two floors in your plan … Otherwise, you have to draw a house plan or an apartment plan…

First thing to do: take the exact measurements of your floor. You have laser systems that are very accurate and inexpensive and that allow you to measure the length, width, and area of each room.

Then, do not forget to measure all the small surfaces like:

  • The passage from one room to another
  • The cupboards
  • The passages of windows
  • The spaces under the stairs

All these measures will be useful for you to draw the plan of your floor.

At this point, you need efficient and accurate software to draw the floor plan. Of course, we prefer the software archiplain that allows you to do all this. Advantage of this software: it calculates in metric system or English customary measures. And he is very precise. Last point: it is free and can be used very quickly. But of course, you can use any other system to draw your plan.

Finally, keep copies of each of your plans. You know, it’s often said that your house is perfect from the third building. It’s the same for house plans: you have to make multiple copies to get the best plan. And sometimes it’s not the last plan that’s the best.

And now, start your floor plans and indulge yourself!

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How to draw a free industrial building plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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The 19th century industrial revolution that continued in the 20th century favored the emergence of many industrial buildings. For example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, was erected at the 1889 World Exhibition in Paris, but it was created to celebrate French technical know-how. Beyond this particular example, we can mention:

  1. Large plaster manufacturing plants
  2. Buildings of the automotive industry
  3. Sheds for the manufacture of aircraft, such as those of Boeing or Airbus
  4. The oil industry with its oil platforms and derricks
  5. Silos for grain preservation
  6. The buildings of the mining industry
  7. Large manufacturing units in the food industry
  8. Manufacturing structures for alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, carbonated or not
  9. Buildings in supermarkets
  10. Brickyards

This list is necessarily incomplete.

Many rooms for industrial building

Of these, industries have been abandoned, leaving empty of many buildings, for example:

  • Many small brickyards
  • Windmills or water mills
  • Industrial buildings used for tanning in Europe

This is an opportunity to buy these industrial buildings, often for a modest price, and renovate them. For this, you need a free, efficient industrial building plan editor. You can use the archiplain tool that should match your expectations.

For more information, Click here!

To make a house plan: Click here!

How to compose a house plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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If you have arrived on this website, it is probably that you are looking to make a house plan or an apartment plan. I was like you before deciding to make my own house plan. Why ? Because I was not satisfied with what I saw. The websites I found were too complex, and did not match what I was looking for.

Plan 1

That’s why I decided to create this free online house plan software called archiplain.

Plan 2

He is online to use anywhere in the world. It is free to be able to be useful to the maximum of people. It is very easy to use (I tested it with children and it works very well). And it is fast (the pages of the website do not take a day to appear on your screen …). You are convinced? You are not convinced but are you ready to test it? So, test archiplain and give me your opinion!

For more information, Click here!

To make a house plan: Click here!

How to draw a modern castle plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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How to draw a modern castle plan?

Would you like to live in a French or Italian castle of the 12th century? First, you have to buy a castle. If you are looking for a property, you can find it for sale for a reasonable fee. I knew one that was worth $ 400,000 for a 10,000 ft2 living space. Not very expensive. But the problem is the renovation, 1 000 000 € in this case. This makes a total price of $ 1400,000. So the easiest way is to build a new castle. But here too, it can be very expensive because the manufacturing techniques have evolved a lot. A tip: build a modern castle that is inspired by ancient castles but has all the modern comforts. If you are interested, start by building a free castle plan using the archiplain software.

For more information, Click here!

To make a house plan : Click here

Castle or windmill?

We told you in the article above about the possibility of buying or renovating a castle. But there is another possibility: it is the windmills. We are not talking about water mills that are already largely renovated to make homes. It is true that the windmill is very special for several reasons. First, it is often quite small, sometimes without any window, and last detail is important: it is in a region where there is a lot of wind … There are still advantages: the landscapes are often beautiful, the windmill is aesthetic, and success is assured with your friends.

Do you want to build your free windmill plan or your free watermill plan? So, try out our archiplain online software.

For more information, Click here!

To make a house plan : Click here!

How to trace a house plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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Very simple. You take:

  • a sheet of paper
  • a pencil
  • a good pencil sharpener
  • an eraser
  • patience
  • a coffee for those who need it
  • a tea or a drink for the others
  • or nothing
  • or a cake
  • a piece of sugar
  • a desk
  • a desk lamp
  • a chair
  • ah, yes, I forgot, a graduated scale
  • and then silence, a lot of silence

Then you start drawing your house plan. And you are wrong, you erase, you start again. And you get angry, you throw your drafts out the window. And you call for help.

I have a lot simpler to propose to you. Take a free house plan software. As archiplain for example. And a few minutes later, you have your first house plan. You are not satisfied? Repeat this plan and modify it as you wish.

How to trace a house plan

How to sketch a house plan

Real estate and property news, just for you!

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One often thinks that it is difficult to make a house plan, even if it is only a question of drawing it. But in reality, it is not so difficult.

Of course, we will not explain how to use very complex computing tools like:

  • Revit Architecture
  • ArchiCad
  • VectorWorks Architecture
  • Cedreo.

These programs are intended for professionals and require training to be able to use them.

But making a precise house plan, with all the basic functionalities, is not very difficult. Try the archiplain software. It’s very intuitive, which means you can use it right away, and it’s free.


For more information, Click here!

To make a house plan : Click here!