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Dezeen awards
Do you know the Dezeen awards? We saw the winner who won the Architecture project of the year and it’s really interesting. Imagine a business with its storefront. Suddenly, with a rocking mechanism, the system opens and reveals bleachers!
And of course, if you want to have fun building a free store plan software, try Archiplain.
For more information, >Click here!
To make a house plan : Click here!

Tiny farmhouse
Does the future belong to the tiny farmhouse? In recent years, there have been more and more projects for tiny houses. But one type of house resisted: farm houses. For obvious reasons: farms are usually on large estates and there is no need to reduce the size of these farms.
Here we present a tiny farm project. And this project may be suitable for farmers who have a small property or who are sensitive to energy savings. To make tiny farm plans, the best is to try a free farm plan software: Archiplain.
For more information, >Click here!
To make a house plan : Click here!

Prefabricated house
We often talk about tiny houses, but maybe a little less prefabricated houses. It’s a shame because it’s a booming market, in parallel with the market for houses made with 3D printing. We presented here prefabricated houses that can be used in the wild countryside, the forest or the mountain.To get your free prefabricated plan software: Archiplain.
For more information, >Click here!
To make a house plan : Click here!