Tag Archives: staircase

Apartment floor plan

Draw Plan

Let’s be very clear with you. We have not planned to make an article on how to make a house or apartment plan. There are several in this website.
It’s all about explaining the specificities of drawing an apartment plan in relation to a house plan.
Indeed, it has not escaped you that an apartment is not exactly like a house. Often, the apartment is high, except the ground floor. There are common areas, such as:

  • the staircase
  • the elevator
  • the lobby
  • the garbage room
  • the bike room
  • a ski room in the mountains
  • and the list is not complete.
apartment floor plan 1

If you are using a house plan editor as an archiplain, do not just make your apartment plan. Draw all these other common rooms as well, as they help make your future apartment pleasant and functional.

apartment floor plan 2

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How to make a good house plan?

Real estate and property news, just for you!

Draw Plan

How to make a good house plan?

You need to take the measures of your future home, anticipate bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, guest room, furniture and decorative elements that you want. Allow room for elements that impinge on the surface like closets, fireplace, staircase. Use a good software like https://archiplain.com/makeyourplan. And do not hesitate to repeat several times your plan. Once completed, your home will be more difficult to change!

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