Create High-Quality Floor Plans

Draw Plan

To make quality, one must first be precise. In the archiplain software, you make walls the length you want, 10, 20 or 30 meters for example. And even if these walls are long, they will be accurate to 0.1 inch. If you prefer the metric system, they will be accurate to the millimeter, which is much more accurate than a real house construction.

We can put color inside each room, and also make each wall with a different color. This property can allow you to differentiate the rooms, in green for example, the rooms of water like the toilets, the kitchen and the bathroom in blue, the living room in purple, the dining room in yellow. Openings such as doors and windows can have their own color.

You can vary the wall thickness with the same precision as before.
As you can see, with this tool, you can make house plans with great precision, much better than you need to build.


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