Tag Archives: human

Bird, horse and Tarzan

Draw Plan

An egg-shaped observatory to observe birds

Well, this observatory looks more like a giant coconut. But at least the architect has been creative. It should be investigated in 6 months to see if the birds have actually been observed :

More: An observatory to observe birds

A hotel for humans and horses

A beautiful 18th century barn with exposed stone and an interior that makes you want to stay a few days.

More: A hotel for humans and horses

Treehouse for Tarzan

And finally, this beautiful house in the forest. The walls are pierced to leave just enough sun and aeration.

More: Treehouse for Tarzan

Want to draw your own barn plan, or your own treehouse plan, or your own observatory plan: archiplain is for you.

Strange human sculpture

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Draw Plan

Strange human sculpture

As part of a musical project, it was necessary to create sculptures that degrade over time. The sculptures seem made of stone. They inspire a kind of discomfort, like all human appearances that move away from the standard model. Nevertheless, the result is interesting and has an indisputable aesthetic. Adobe Fuse software was used to create these 3D shapes.

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